
Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

How to Follow a Revision Timetable

How to Follow a Revision Timetable

No matter how long you have until an exam, it is never too early or too late to start revising. It is easier to start early, however. You'll have more time to study and will feel less pressured. You'll also have more time for your other activities. A revision timetable or schedule, will help you pace yourself and stay on track no matter what subject you're studying. A timetable divides your time into study blocks so you know what you should be studying and when.



    Make a list of all the subjects and topics you must cover and how much time you have. Write next to each topic the amount of time you plan to spend studying. Be realistic and divide your time wisely. Allot the most time to topics that will be worth more marks. Then make a to-do list of the things you want to accomplish each day until your exam.


    Find the best study times for you, whether morning, afternoon or evening, and study every day, even if just for a few minutes. Start at the beginning and work methodically to the end. Use your class notes, textbooks and any past assignments that you have.


    Cross each topic off the to-do list as it is completed.


    Ask for help from your teachers or friends when you need it. Don't fall behind.


    Take plenty of 10-minute breaks while studying, at least one every hour. When you start to feel tired, take a walk, listen to music or have a quick snack.

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