
Jumat, 22 November 2013

The Superfoods Rx Diet

The Superfoods Rx Diet is unlike many fad diet plans that are intended to be followed on only a short-term basis. This diet plan is meant to focus on lifelong dietary changes. Rather than focusing on eliminating certain foods, the Superfoods Rx Diet centers around including specific foods, called superfoods. The diet plan claims that incorporating these superfoods into your meal planning will help improve your overall health and help you lose weight.

The Superfoods

    The Superfoods Rx Diet names 14 superfoods to incorporate in your meals. In addition, each superfood has "sidekicks." Sidekicks are foods with similar nutrients to superfoods. The diet plan recommends eating them as an alternative to the original superfoods. Superfood fruits and sidekicks include apples, avocados, blueberries, kiwi, oranges, pomegranates and tomatoes. The diet plan also allows eating dried fruits, preferably those that are organic. Superfood vegetables and sidekicks include beans, broccoli, garlic, onions, pumpkins and spinach. Other superfoods and sidekicks are cinnamon, dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil, honey, low-fat yogurt, oats, soy, tea, turkey, walnuts and wild salmon. Do not try to confine yourself to eating only these superfoods. Instead, try to incorporate several ingredients from the list in each meal.

Practice Week

    There are different stages in the Superfoods Rx Diet. This diet plan allows for one week of planning and practice before you launch into your new diet. During this week, you need to assess your kitchen. Get rid of any foods that may throw you off track during your diet, such as doughnuts and cookies. Replace these foods with superfoods and sidekicks. This diet plan encourages a well-stocked kitchen as a means of sticking to your diet. If you're able to reach for a healthy snack at a moment's notice, or have all the ingredients for a quick, healthy meal, then you're less likely to order in a pizza. During this practice week, review all the superfoods, cook a few of the recommended meals and begin a mild to moderate exercise routine.


    The SlimDown phase of the Superfoods Rx Diet lasts as long as you wish. You can stay on this plan until you've reached your desired weight loss goal, or you can alternate between the SlimDown phase and the FlexPlan phase. The superfoods are divided into three categories. During the SlimDown phase, you eat a certain number of servings from each of the categories for your meals. So, for example, eat oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, which are categories one and three. Then eat a serving of salmon (category two), broccoli and spinach (both category three) for lunch or dinner. If you follow the SlimDown plan faithfully, you should expect to lose several pounds per week, according to "The Superfoods Rx Diet."


    After you become familiar with the superfoods categories during the SlimDown phase, you continue to eat from these categories during the FlexPlan phase. You also have the option to add five food choices, called "Flexes" to your weekly menu. As with the SlimDown phase, you can stay on the FlexPlan for as long as you like. You can still expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week, according to "The Superfoods Rx Diet." If you prefer, you can alternate between the SlimDown and the FlexPlan. Stay on one plan for a week or two, then move to the other. The Superfoods Rx Diet tries to keep a healthful eating plan flexible.

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