
Selasa, 22 April 2014

Diet to Get Patients Ready for Heart Surgery

Patients preparing for heart surgery must anticipate lifestyle changes to accommodate a recovery period that meets both physical and emotional needs. This begins with preoperative adjustments to minimize postoperative discomfort and maximize a speedy and healthy recovery. Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is one of the most critical changes, as poor eating habits are probably a large part of the cardiac issues that make the surgery necessary. The following recommendations are not intended as medical advice or to replace any guidelines that your doctor has provided.

Balanced Nutrition Plan

    Nutrition is essential to good health, especially prior to hospitalization for cardiac surgery. Start with a balanced diet that includes adequate proteins, vitamins, minerals and calories. This diet should include a wide variety of foods from all four of the primary food groups: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy and protein. Focus on complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber and control caloric intake by consuming small portions several times a day, rather than one or two large meals. Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables between meals if you are still hungry.

Restrict Sodium Intake

    Limit sodium intake to less than 200 mg per day to avoid fluid building up in your blood vessels. Do not add table salt to any prepared meals. Restrict foods that are high in sodium such as canned soups and broth, processed (boxed) foods, canned vegetables, deli meats, hot dogs, bacon and salty snacks. In addition to salt in foods, restrict consumption of monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is typically present in foods served in restaurants. Talk to your physician before using any salt substitutes.

Avoid Simple Sugars

    Refined carbohydrates and simple sugars contribute to increasing the level of triglycerides (blood sugars) in your blood. Avoid desserts, sweets and refined carbohydrates including white bread, pasta and rice.

Eliminate Foods High in Cholesterol

    Foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause thickening of blood vessels as well as plaque and fatty acids in the walls of your arteries, causing them to narrow. Examples of these foods to eliminate are fried foods, salami and other deli meats, egg yolks, whole milk and dairy products, cocoa, and palm and coconut oil. Replace these unhealthy saturated fats with the healthier monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats such as fatty fish (tuna, salmon and trout), lean meats, low-fat dairy products and olive oil.

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