
Kamis, 24 April 2014

How to Find a Guru

A guru is not going to take over your life and tell you what to do. They will, however, guide you in your spiritual quest to find God and to make the right decisions for yourself and your life. They will be your spiritual teacher. Once you find a guru, you must remain committed to their teachings if you want such guidance to work. Read on to learn more.



    Understand what a guru really is. A guru is not going to simply hand you all the answers. A guru is a teacher who has studied and attained a high level of spiritual development and God-realization.


    Think about what exactly you want in your guru. They'll be your spiritual teacher on the path to finding God, so you'll want to figure out what kind of person you'd prefer to be your teacher.


    Study on your own. You should fulfill certain attitudes and requisites to be a proper disciple, such as being open-minded, having a critical mind, patience and the willingness to do a lot of hard work.


    Pray to God. It's said that the right guru will find you when you are ready, so focus more on yourself than on finding your guru. It may seem counter-productive, but trust in the process.


    Improve your attitude. Don't concentrate specifically on finding a guru. Make sure you're not too impatient. Focus on readying yourself for your guru's teachings.


    Investigate your guru once you've found the right teacher. You want to make sure they are really a guru and not someone who is simply a good talker and may be trying to get money out of you.

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